Taking Students Abroad
A Complete Guide for Teachers
by: Maggie Brown Cassidy
Teacher Resource
ISBN: 0-86647-028-X
Most of us at one time or another have considered taking a group of
students abroad. It is a perfect way to give our students an opportunity to
develop their communicative skills and gain real insight into both a new
culture and their own. Of course, organizing such a trip is a formidable
task, but . . .
Taking Students Abroad will help you every step of the way. It explains
step-by-step how to plan and carry out all aspects of a student trip. Based
on her own experience and that of many colleagues, Maggie Brown
Cassidy stresses the importance of careful preparation as the key to a
successful and enjoyable trip. Taking Students Abroad is full of practical
ideas for deciding where to go and what to do, getting school and
community support, publicizing the trip, fund raising, orientation, and
planning a return exchange of students coming to the U.S. At the heart of
the book is this advice: involve your students and their families in the whole
process of designing the trip (whether a homestay or tour); these
preparations and learning to work together cooperatively are fun and a vital
part of the educational experience. With its chronological organization and
open format, Taking Students Abroad is an easy-to-use handbook with
hundreds of specific suggestions.
Taking Students Abroad
A Complete Guide for Teachers
by: Maggie Brown Cassidy
Teacher Resource
ISBN: 0-86647-028-X
Most of us at one time or another have considered taking a group of
students abroad. It is a perfect way to give our students an opportunity to
develop their communicative skills and gain real insight into both a new
culture and their own. Of course, organizing such a trip is a formidable
task, but . . .
Taking Students Abroad will help you every step of the way. It explains
step-by-step how to plan and carry out all aspects of a student trip. Based
on her own experience and that of many colleagues, Maggie Brown
Cassidy stresses the importance of careful preparation as the key to a
successful and enjoyable trip. Taking Students Abroad is full of practical
ideas for deciding where to go and what to do, getting school and
community support, publicizing the trip, fund raising, orientation, and
planning a return exchange of students coming to the U.S. At the heart of
the book is this advice: involve your students and their families in the whole
process of designing the trip (whether a homestay or tour); these
preparations and learning to work together cooperatively are fun and a vital
part of the educational experience. With its chronological organization and
open format, Taking Students Abroad is an easy-to-use handbook with
hundreds of specific suggestions.