Grammar-Focused ESL-EFL Activities and Games
by: Donna Inness and Dr. James Kealey
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate. Primary to Adult
ISBN: 0-86647-100-6
The Greatest Book on the Planet!"
John Swepston
ALC Rabat, Morocco
● 교재소개
이 영어 학습 game 교재의 제목인 SHENANIGAMES는 shenanigans란 단어와 games를 합성한 신조어(新造語) 이다. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th edition (2010)은 shenanigans를 다음과 같이 정의하고 있다:
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th edition
she nani gans BrE & NAmE /ʃɪ|nӕnɪgənz/ noun [ plural ] ( informal ) secret or dishonest activities that people find interesting or amusing ⓒ Oxford University Press, 2010.
이 책은 참으로 보기 드문 훌륭한 교재이다. Morocco에서 American Language Center를 운영하며 이 책을 이용하여 영어를 EFL/ESL로 가르치고 있는 John Swepston은 이 책을 "The Greatest Book on the Planet!"라고 극찬했을 정도이다.
사람들이 즐겁다고 느끼거나 흥미를 갖는 비밀스럽거나 부정직한 활동이 shenanigans다. 따라서 SHENANIGAMES는 사람들이 푹 빠져드는 흥미진진한 49종의 게임을 통해서 영어 문법과 어휘, 발음과 철자, 상호 간의 대화 연습, 영작문 연습 등을 공부할 수 있도록 만들어 놓은 영어 게임 교재이다. 중학교 1학년생부터 107세의 노인에 이르기까지 즐기며 배울 수 있는 교재이고, 이 책 한 권만 구입하면 모든 학습-게임 자료를 복사해서 전교생이 두루 쓸 수 있도록 만든 교재이다. 이 책의 출판사 PRO LINGUA ASSOCIATE는 이 책을 합법적으로 복사하여 교실에서 사용할 수 있도록 미리 "REELY PHOTOCOPIABLE"는 문구를 이 책에 인쇄해 놓았다.
이 책의 주안점은 재미있는 게임을 통해서 필수적인 여러 국면의 문법을 배우고 이를 활용해 대화에 응용하며, 새로운 단어를 배어 어휘력을 늘리는 데 있다:
이 책에서 게임을 통해 배우고 연습하는 문법 항목은 아래와 같다:
adjectives and adjective clauses (형용사와 형용사절) • adverb clauses (부사절) • comparatives (비교급) • modals (서법 조동사) • conditional sentences (조건문) • gerunds and infinitives (부동명사와 부정사) • nouns and noun clauses (명사와 명사절) • participles (분사) • prefixes (접두사) • prepositions (전치사) • yes/no and tag questions (yes/no로 대답할 의문문과 부가 의문문) • transitions (문장과 단락의 전환 요령) • verbs (tense, mood, and voice) (동사: 시제, 서법과 능동태와 수동태)
● Book Reviews
The Greatest Book on the Planet!"
John Swepston
ALC Rabat, Morocco
49 games for practicing specific grammar in the ESL or EFL classroom. With the clear instructions for the games, there are 96 pages of photocopyable masters.
The objective of these activities, aside from practicing the grammar, is natural student interaction and conversation. Students from 7th grade to 107 years will have fun working together playing the games while they pick up new vocabulary and use the grammar they've been studying.
The grammar includes · adjectives and adjective clauses · adverb clauses · comparatives · modals · conditional sentences · gerunds and infinitives · nouns and noun clauses · participles · prefixes · prepositions · yes/no and tag questions · transitions · verbs (tense, mood, and voice).
Appeared in "IATEFL"
Reviewed by: Wayne Trotman
Such books as SHENANIGAMES, filled as they are with useful tasks, are always welcome in English departments searching for activities to keep learners both learning and, perhaps just as important, interested in learning the language. No doubt there are still, sadly, a few teachers who believe that valuable grammar lessons can't contain engrossing, thought-provoking and fun-filled tasks; SHENANIGAMES is a book such teachers would do well to dip into. It's yet another valuable addition to an increasingly long list of titles from a publisher that places an emphasis upon what they call "interplay" - a view of English language learning as active play whilst learners are busy interacting both with the material in this book and each other in the classroom.
Activities in SHENANIGAMES, beyond photo-copying, cutting and distributing material, require little else from the busy "facilitator" - the teacher as organizer - who is left free to wander around and observe learners engaged in each task. This book is divided into 22 short sections, each relating to a single grammatical item such as adjectives, modals, participles and verbs. This should not be mistaken for a grammar textbook although activities are grouped according to a grammar focus if only for ease of reference. All activities I used are, in my opinion excellent supplementary or revision material for any course in ESL instruction based around grammar, listening and speaking.
Preceding each activity there is a complete or half page outlining brief but helpful aspects involved such as a language focus, a summary of the game, the suggested most suitable number of players, the preparation involved and the directions students will need. Following this there's generally between 1-3 pages of vocabulary lists, names to match with pictures, schedules to fill in, report sheets, trivia questions, "What if.." questions, fractured sentences to reconstruct, crosswords, ghost stories and searches for advice. Yes, all in one book! In total there are 49 different activities and 96 photocopiable masters.
Shenanigames is well worth taking a close look at if you need to find that little activity from time to time to liven up your course and perhaps regain a little lost interest. If the learner interest is already high in your classroom, then using this book is very highly recommended.
- Wayne Trotman
Ozel Cakabey Lisesi
Izmir - Turkey
Grammar-Focused ESL-EFL Activities and Games
by: Donna Inness and Dr. James Kealey
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate. Primary to Adult
ISBN: 0-86647-100-6
The Greatest Book on the Planet!"
John Swepston
ALC Rabat, Morocco
● 교재소개
이 영어 학습 game 교재의 제목인 SHENANIGAMES는 shenanigans란 단어와 games를 합성한 신조어(新造語) 이다. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th edition (2010)은 shenanigans를 다음과 같이 정의하고 있다:
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th edition
she nani gans BrE & NAmE /ʃɪ|nӕnɪgənz/ noun [ plural ] ( informal ) secret or dishonest activities that people find interesting or amusing ⓒ Oxford University Press, 2010.
이 책은 참으로 보기 드문 훌륭한 교재이다. Morocco에서 American Language Center를 운영하며 이 책을 이용하여 영어를 EFL/ESL로 가르치고 있는 John Swepston은 이 책을 "The Greatest Book on the Planet!"라고 극찬했을 정도이다.
사람들이 즐겁다고 느끼거나 흥미를 갖는 비밀스럽거나 부정직한 활동이 shenanigans다. 따라서 SHENANIGAMES는 사람들이 푹 빠져드는 흥미진진한 49종의 게임을 통해서 영어 문법과 어휘, 발음과 철자, 상호 간의 대화 연습, 영작문 연습 등을 공부할 수 있도록 만들어 놓은 영어 게임 교재이다. 중학교 1학년생부터 107세의 노인에 이르기까지 즐기며 배울 수 있는 교재이고, 이 책 한 권만 구입하면 모든 학습-게임 자료를 복사해서 전교생이 두루 쓸 수 있도록 만든 교재이다. 이 책의 출판사 PRO LINGUA ASSOCIATE는 이 책을 합법적으로 복사하여 교실에서 사용할 수 있도록 미리 "REELY PHOTOCOPIABLE"는 문구를 이 책에 인쇄해 놓았다.
이 책의 주안점은 재미있는 게임을 통해서 필수적인 여러 국면의 문법을 배우고 이를 활용해 대화에 응용하며, 새로운 단어를 배어 어휘력을 늘리는 데 있다:
이 책에서 게임을 통해 배우고 연습하는 문법 항목은 아래와 같다:
adjectives and adjective clauses (형용사와 형용사절) • adverb clauses (부사절) • comparatives (비교급) • modals (서법 조동사) • conditional sentences (조건문) • gerunds and infinitives (부동명사와 부정사) • nouns and noun clauses (명사와 명사절) • participles (분사) • prefixes (접두사) • prepositions (전치사) • yes/no and tag questions (yes/no로 대답할 의문문과 부가 의문문) • transitions (문장과 단락의 전환 요령) • verbs (tense, mood, and voice) (동사: 시제, 서법과 능동태와 수동태)
● Book Reviews
The Greatest Book on the Planet!"
John Swepston
ALC Rabat, Morocco
49 games for practicing specific grammar in the ESL or EFL classroom. With the clear instructions for the games, there are 96 pages of photocopyable masters.
The objective of these activities, aside from practicing the grammar, is natural student interaction and conversation. Students from 7th grade to 107 years will have fun working together playing the games while they pick up new vocabulary and use the grammar they've been studying.
The grammar includes · adjectives and adjective clauses · adverb clauses · comparatives · modals · conditional sentences · gerunds and infinitives · nouns and noun clauses · participles · prefixes · prepositions · yes/no and tag questions · transitions · verbs (tense, mood, and voice).
Appeared in "IATEFL"
Reviewed by: Wayne Trotman
Such books as SHENANIGAMES, filled as they are with useful tasks, are always welcome in English departments searching for activities to keep learners both learning and, perhaps just as important, interested in learning the language. No doubt there are still, sadly, a few teachers who believe that valuable grammar lessons can't contain engrossing, thought-provoking and fun-filled tasks; SHENANIGAMES is a book such teachers would do well to dip into. It's yet another valuable addition to an increasingly long list of titles from a publisher that places an emphasis upon what they call "interplay" - a view of English language learning as active play whilst learners are busy interacting both with the material in this book and each other in the classroom.
Activities in SHENANIGAMES, beyond photo-copying, cutting and distributing material, require little else from the busy "facilitator" - the teacher as organizer - who is left free to wander around and observe learners engaged in each task. This book is divided into 22 short sections, each relating to a single grammatical item such as adjectives, modals, participles and verbs. This should not be mistaken for a grammar textbook although activities are grouped according to a grammar focus if only for ease of reference. All activities I used are, in my opinion excellent supplementary or revision material for any course in ESL instruction based around grammar, listening and speaking.
Preceding each activity there is a complete or half page outlining brief but helpful aspects involved such as a language focus, a summary of the game, the suggested most suitable number of players, the preparation involved and the directions students will need. Following this there's generally between 1-3 pages of vocabulary lists, names to match with pictures, schedules to fill in, report sheets, trivia questions, "What if.." questions, fractured sentences to reconstruct, crosswords, ghost stories and searches for advice. Yes, all in one book! In total there are 49 different activities and 96 photocopiable masters.
Shenanigames is well worth taking a close look at if you need to find that little activity from time to time to liven up your course and perhaps regain a little lost interest. If the learner interest is already high in your classroom, then using this book is very highly recommended.
- Wayne Trotman
Ozel Cakabey Lisesi
Izmir - Turkey