Conversation Strategies
New, Revised, Second Edition 2009
29 Pair and Group Activities for Developing Communicative Competence
by: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Level: Intermediate. Primary to Adult
Illustrations by: Andrew Toos
● Sample:
• Contents
• Introduction
• Activity 21 - Making a Group Decision p.83-88
What are Conversation Strategies? They are techniques that help the speaker and listener keep a conversation going to its natural and desired conclusion. They are skills that supplement the linguistic and sociolinguistic skills most texts focus on: grammar, vocabulary, and usage.
To develop strategic competence, students must learn the words, phrases, and conventions used as two speakers engage in the active give-and-take of conversation. These are the strategies we use to get more information, make comparisons, correct someone politely, agree and disagree, summarize, share information, and make decisions in a business meeting. Students also practice polite forms, rejoinders, clarifications, follow-up questions, getting a response, expressing probability, interrupting, and avoiding conversation killers.
Each activity has three parts: a teacher's introduction, a written introductory exercise to be done by students individually, and pair/group practice that makes use of information gap and other interactive formats.
Each fun, student-centered activity begins with controlled language and moves to open, imaginative exchanges. The work is enjoyable for students and teacher.
Easy to use in any intermediate level class.
● 1st Edition Book Reviews:
Conversation Strategies
Authors: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Book reviews published in the Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes
Publisher: Pro lingua Associates , 1994
Reviewed by: Viviane Edwards
This book contains a collection of activities for pair/small group conversation practice. It is designed for use with a wide range of intermediate level students of English as a second or foreign language but could easily be adapted to any second language situation. The format of the activities puts the focus on the students, rather than on the teacher. At the same time the activities are designed to be non- threatening to even the most reserved students. They are also enjoyable for both students and teachers, and they are easy to implement. A special feature of these activities is that students will develop strategic conversation skills. These are skills that go along with linguistic and sociolinguistic skills (grammar, vocabulary and usage). Strategic skills help the speaker/listener keep a conversation going to its natural or desired conclusion. These skills include beginning a conversation, clarifying something, interrupting someone, rephrasing, correcting someone, eliciting information, soliciting attention, repairing a conversation, summarizing a conversation, escaping from a conversation and ending a conversation.
The format of the book is very simple. Each activity has three parts: a teacher's introduction, a student's introductory exercise and a pair or small group practice. Each activity is complete and does not depend on another activity. Topics covered are varied and range from the use of rejoiners to follow-ups, to echoes, to connectors etc.. This is a very practical guide written by practicing teachers and piloted in a number of different teaching situations.
"Conversation Strategies - Pair and Group Activities for Developing Communicative Competence"
Authors: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Publisher: Pro Lingua Associates 1994
Reviewed by: Joanne LeBlanc-Haley
This textbook is a collection of student-focused activities for pair/small group practice. Intended for students at the intermediate level, the activities are designed so that students may develop " strategic conversation skills". These skills assist students in becoming a "proficient participant in conversations".
The text addresses a very critical aspect of speaking. Conversation skills are important as they assist the participant in becoming accepted, in both formal and informal academic and social settings. The skills covered are; beginning a conversation, clarifying something, interrupting someone, rephrasing something, correcting someone, eliciting information, soliciting attention, repairing conversation, summarizing a conversation, escaping a conversation and ending a conversation.
The approach used for each of the twenty-four lessons has three parts: teacher introduction, a student introductory exercise and follow-up pair/group practices. It is suggested that Lesson # 1 be done first but after that the remaining lessons can be done in any order.
The teacher introductions for each of the lesson are found at the back of the book. My preference would be to include each of the teacher introductions with the student components and not separately. The information the teacher introductions contain, such as the aim of the lesson, would benefit the intermediate student.
Although the text contains some valuable activities, it is a dangerous resource as it is well organized, easy to use, neat and controlled - the very kind of text that lends itself to being used as the sole resource for teaching conversation skills.
● Books by David Kehe & Peggy Dustin Kehe
Basic Conversation
Basic Conversation Basic Conversation Basic Conversation Strategies:
Strategies: Strategies: Strategies: Teacher's Edition
Student Workbook Teacher's Edition 2 CD's & 2 CD's
Writing Strategies Writing Strategies The Grammar
Discussion Strategies (Book One: Intermediate) (Book Two: Advanced) Review Book
Write after Input:
Write after Input: Text Write after Input: CD Text and CD
Conversation Strategies
New, Revised, Second Edition 2009
29 Pair and Group Activities for Developing Communicative Competence
by: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Level: Intermediate. Primary to Adult
Illustrations by: Andrew Toos
● Sample:
• Contents
• Introduction
• Activity 21 - Making a Group Decision p.83-88
What are Conversation Strategies? They are techniques that help the speaker and listener keep a conversation going to its natural and desired conclusion. They are skills that supplement the linguistic and sociolinguistic skills most texts focus on: grammar, vocabulary, and usage.
To develop strategic competence, students must learn the words, phrases, and conventions used as two speakers engage in the active give-and-take of conversation. These are the strategies we use to get more information, make comparisons, correct someone politely, agree and disagree, summarize, share information, and make decisions in a business meeting. Students also practice polite forms, rejoinders, clarifications, follow-up questions, getting a response, expressing probability, interrupting, and avoiding conversation killers.
Each activity has three parts: a teacher's introduction, a written introductory exercise to be done by students individually, and pair/group practice that makes use of information gap and other interactive formats.
Each fun, student-centered activity begins with controlled language and moves to open, imaginative exchanges. The work is enjoyable for students and teacher.
Easy to use in any intermediate level class.
● 1st Edition Book Reviews:
Conversation Strategies
Authors: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Book reviews published in the Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes
Publisher: Pro lingua Associates , 1994
Reviewed by: Viviane Edwards
This book contains a collection of activities for pair/small group conversation practice. It is designed for use with a wide range of intermediate level students of English as a second or foreign language but could easily be adapted to any second language situation. The format of the activities puts the focus on the students, rather than on the teacher. At the same time the activities are designed to be non- threatening to even the most reserved students. They are also enjoyable for both students and teachers, and they are easy to implement. A special feature of these activities is that students will develop strategic conversation skills. These are skills that go along with linguistic and sociolinguistic skills (grammar, vocabulary and usage). Strategic skills help the speaker/listener keep a conversation going to its natural or desired conclusion. These skills include beginning a conversation, clarifying something, interrupting someone, rephrasing, correcting someone, eliciting information, soliciting attention, repairing a conversation, summarizing a conversation, escaping from a conversation and ending a conversation.
The format of the book is very simple. Each activity has three parts: a teacher's introduction, a student's introductory exercise and a pair or small group practice. Each activity is complete and does not depend on another activity. Topics covered are varied and range from the use of rejoiners to follow-ups, to echoes, to connectors etc.. This is a very practical guide written by practicing teachers and piloted in a number of different teaching situations.
"Conversation Strategies - Pair and Group Activities for Developing Communicative Competence"
Authors: David Kehe and Peggy Dustin Kehe
Publisher: Pro Lingua Associates 1994
Reviewed by: Joanne LeBlanc-Haley
This textbook is a collection of student-focused activities for pair/small group practice. Intended for students at the intermediate level, the activities are designed so that students may develop " strategic conversation skills". These skills assist students in becoming a "proficient participant in conversations".
The text addresses a very critical aspect of speaking. Conversation skills are important as they assist the participant in becoming accepted, in both formal and informal academic and social settings. The skills covered are; beginning a conversation, clarifying something, interrupting someone, rephrasing something, correcting someone, eliciting information, soliciting attention, repairing conversation, summarizing a conversation, escaping a conversation and ending a conversation.
The approach used for each of the twenty-four lessons has three parts: teacher introduction, a student introductory exercise and follow-up pair/group practices. It is suggested that Lesson # 1 be done first but after that the remaining lessons can be done in any order.
The teacher introductions for each of the lesson are found at the back of the book. My preference would be to include each of the teacher introductions with the student components and not separately. The information the teacher introductions contain, such as the aim of the lesson, would benefit the intermediate student.
Although the text contains some valuable activities, it is a dangerous resource as it is well organized, easy to use, neat and controlled - the very kind of text that lends itself to being used as the sole resource for teaching conversation skills.
● Books by David Kehe & Peggy Dustin Kehe
Basic Conversation
Basic Conversation Basic Conversation Basic Conversation Strategies:
Strategies: Strategies: Strategies: Teacher's Edition
Student Workbook Teacher's Edition 2 CD's & 2 CD's
Writing Strategies Writing Strategies The Grammar
Discussion Strategies (Book One: Intermediate) (Book Two: Advanced) Review Book
Write after Input:
Write after Input: Text Write after Input: CD Text and CD